为了应对紧迫的气候挑战,建筑行业需要实现公平的脱碳, 需要能源系统的转型, 消费者的选择, and trades workforce — a transition akin to the massive mobilization of capital in the post-war period in the U.S.
We define “公平的 decarbonization” as the just and 公平的 transition from the carbon-intensive energy services that our economy currently relies on (for transportation, 加热, 工业过程, 以及更多)计划中的脱碳技术和燃料, 管理的步骤, 这样,这种转变的收益和成本才能在整个社会中公平分配. 如果成功, 所有小组-跨班级, 比赛, 地理位置, and gender — will have parity in outcomes and fully realize the economic and health benefits of this new energy system.
为建筑行业制定公平的脱碳路线图, 我们汇集了来自中东欧各专业领域的专家-研究, 程序的实现, 金融, 政策, and community engagement — and asked: What will 公平的 decarbonization of the building sector look like in 2040?
建筑行业的公平脱碳对于应对紧迫的气候挑战是必要的. 这需要我们的能源系统进行大规模的转型, 消费者的选择, and trades workforce — a transition on a scale similar to the massive mobilization of capital in the post-war period in the United States.
这种转变需要系统性的变革, 破坏公用事业的商业模式和监管框架, 改变现有能源基础设施的使用, 并影响能源消费者的成本. 很重要的一点是,要把感觉微不足道的东西联系起来, 增量变化需要在短期内对众多的移动部件进行高效的实现, 公平的, 长远来看对环境有益的未来. We chose the year 2040 because it is both near enough to evaluate the impact of choices we make today and far enough away to allow thoughtful management of the impacts of this transformation.
引爆点. By 2040, 我们远远超过了向脱碳经济全面过渡的临界点, confident that an economy powered by a decarbonized electric system and decarbonized gaseous fuels is within our grasp. 高效的电力系统日益成为家庭和靠谱的外围竞猜app的主要热源, 而且,从事这些工作所需的技术人员训练有素,在全州范围内都可以找到.
人们度过大部分时间的室内空间——家, 靠谱的外围竞猜app, 学校——更安静, 更健康的, 更舒适, 室内空气质量显著改善. We have increased access to efficient home cooling to mitigate the burden of extreme heat events on low-income communities, 其中包括许多有色人种社区.
能源劳动力. 到2040年,能源劳动力将蓬勃发展. Companies that did not exist in 2020 have flourished to serve the high-tech needs of electrified buildings and a predominantly renewable grid. 多元化的一代, 高工资吸引了精明的工人, 优秀的工人培训, 以及系统控制和网络基础设施方面的新机遇.
在过去的二十年里,对家庭隔热材料的需求激增, helping offset the switch from low-cost natural gas to higher-cost electricity by reducing home energy use for 加热 and cooling. By 2040, 这种需求正在减弱, 因为大多数房子都是隔热的, but the workers who helped create this legacy of healthy homes are continuing to build net-zero buildings and serve niche opportunities in the commercial sector. 有色人种、土著居民和妇女拥有靠谱的外围竞猜app是普遍和具有代表性的.
灵活、高效的负载作为资源. By 2040, 随着越来越多的终端用户转向电力, 我们的电力公司利用了建筑能源系统固有的灵活性, 加上电网现代化投资, 提高电网的可靠性,快速隔离中断. 建筑物更紧凑,可以随时调整其供暖和制冷需求以支持电网.
车辆充当备用电力系统,电动汽车负载得到管理. 能源节约和需求灵活性是计量的, 测量, 和可靠的, 被公用事业公司信任,能够以同等的方式满足系统需求和供给侧资源. We have hardened the electricity grid to adapt to extreme climate events and have significantly decreased both the number and duration of electricity outages. 通过智能运营, 负载管理, 还有新技术, 电力系统更加可靠和稳定.
向脱碳热能和其他最终用途过渡. By 2040, new construction is very energy efficient and is heated by either highly efficient electric technologies powered by low-carbon electricity or by fuels or technologies that do not contribute to greenhouse gases. The practice of serving new residential buildings with natural gas ended a number of years ago due to a combination of consumer preferences and climate 政策. 许多工业设施继续由天然气基础设施提供服务, 但现在有更多的管道从可再生原料中输送低碳气体燃料给这些客户和其他客户.
管道系统的大部分正在重新利用和现代化. 传统的燃气公司更加专业化, 提供备用供暖服务, 以及运输燃料, 效率服务, 从高价值的可再生工业原料中提取低碳气体燃料. 在一些人口稠密的地区, 当地的天然气配电网已改为区域供热和供冷系统. 这增加了热能储存的机会, 为客户降低取暖费用, 使社区更有弹性.
公平有效的公用事业监管. By 2040, our utility regulatory bodies have expanded to oversee the electrification of the transportation system and ensure that utility infrastructure investments related to electric transport are prudent and universally beneficial. 通过扩大电力销售到新的行业, 消费者正以较低的成本享受这些增加的好处. 电力和天然气公用事业公司被认为是服务提供商,而不是燃料提供商.
公用事业管理契约, 一旦受到限制,以公正合理的费率换取可靠, 非歧视性的服务, 已经发展到包括能源服务的更广泛的方面. New voices have been introduced to the regulatory system to ensure: the 公平的 allocation of direct and indirect system costs and benefits; the aggressive avoidance of environmental and public health damage from greenhouse gas emissions and other pollutants; the provision of exceptional customer service and expanded customer opportunities for all customers; development of a utility workforce representative of the communities they serve; and a commitment to support those communities in achieving their energy-related economic and environmental goals.
This expansion is coupled with a continued and trusted commitment by utility regulators to the financial health of the utility, 哪些是履行这些扩大的义务所必需的. 公用事业在这些和其他主题上的表现是可以衡量的,并且很容易向公众提供. 明智地使用财政激励来刺激特殊的结果.
致力于公益事业. 这种转变的发生是因为协调, 远见, 市场创新, 以及对公共利益的承诺. It has generated trillions of dollars of investment in buildings and infrastructure and reduced energy imports, 所有这些都促进了当地工业的发展,使社区更健康、更安全.
CEE is committed to advancing our 2040 vision for 公平的 decarbonization in every aspect of our work and know our partners will join us on this path. 除了坚持电力供应的持续脱碳, 重点做好以下工作:
将滞留天然气资产的可能性降至最低. 这对低收入人群尤其重要,因为他们的供暖选择可能较少.
Shoring up society’s energy resilience during extreme weather events that disproportionately affect low-income communities and people of color.
Pursuing advanced building shell retrofits of existing buildings to achieve deep weatherization across the entire building stock, 利用所有可能的资金来源.
Managing the costs and resulting energy burden of this transition especially for low and moderate-income consumers.
鼓励和支持创新脱碳试点方案, 明尼苏达州天然气和电力公用事业的项目和政策.
Delivering on the promise of utility performance metrics that evaluate a host of critical items including the 公平的 distribution of cost and benefits of utility service.
Deepening and expanding our engagement with equipment manufacturers and the supply chain workforce to accelerate the manufacture and installation of increasingly efficient equipment that is well-suited to the Minnesota climate.
Creating and growing funding and financing options for this transition through public 政策 and public–private partnerships, recognizing the need not just for equal access to funding but also for 公平的 financial outcomes from these investments.
Integrating diverse workforce training and job pipelines into utility customer offerings like energy efficiency programs.
Engaging with equity advocates to develop and implement a forward-thinking set of principles for an 公平的 and effective utility system, 在公用事业监管契约的持续演变中放大这些声音.